Thursday, November 17, 2011

2011 retrospective

Car-wise, this has been an exceptional year for yours truly.  Here is a synopsis, and it was a pleasure to share all the experiences with you.

I visit the only yellow Vector W8 in the world.

I see a Bitter SC for the first time.

I accidentally end up at Thunderhill.

I almost end up buying a Merkur.

At the Canada GP, I see Vettel mess up, my favorite driver Heidfeld, and Jacques Villeneuve in line in front of me at the airport.

I visit the Shelby Museum.

I ride in a NASCAR at the infamous Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

I spot the coolest car on the street, an Isuzu Trooper conversion.

I get a peek at an extraordinary Maserati warehouse.

I drive the Loneliest Road In America.

I pick up my dream car.

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